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Chemistry and Drug development to Quality Assurance Facilitator

  • Name: Miss Rosemary Ichaba

  • Course/ job: Quality Assurance (QA) Facilitator & CEO of Financial Support 4 Students (FSS-UK)

  • A levels/ equivalent :Chemistry, Maths ,History

  • Undergrad and post grad degrees: Bsc Chemistry and MSc in Drug Discovery and Pharma Management

  • Journey in 3 Words : Challenging, Rewarding, Growth

  • Briefly describe your role

As a QA Facilitator I organise and manage the audits, regulatory and training of the clinical research team within Imperial College.As the CEO of FSS-UK I manage the day-2-day activities of the organisation which includes managing a team, presenting workshops and providing 1-2-1 sessions for students/parents who require the assistance of applying for Non-repayable grants.

FSS in the UK : Twitter @fssinuk

  • What motivated you to pursue a career in science?

Wanting to make a difference within the pharmaceutical industry and also develop in areas that would have inhibited me from coming out of my comfort zone.

  • How have internships played a role in your career progression?

Completing an Internship allowed me to narrow my search of areas that I would like to work in that best fitted my character and personality. It gave me a step into the lingo of the industry and understanding the different areas that make up clinical research, clinical trials and the pharmaceutical industry.

  • What did you enjoy the most about your masters course and looking back what lessons would you give someone wanting to pursue a masters degree?

I enjoyed the networking of my class members and with the lecturers. The network I built from my masters allowed me to have a better understanding of how networking can enhance my career choices and decisions. I also enjoyed understanding the science of drug discovery and the business of the pharma industry as it allowed me to pick out roles that I could explore as part of my career development plan.

It’s important to manage your time effectively whilst studying a masters and also include time for extra reading to help magnify understanding of each topics.

Don’t be afraid to network with all the lecturers that participate within your course, it will be handy when trying to find a role and need advice.

Enjoy your masters, knowing that it will be taking you one step forward into the career progression you desire.

  • What advice would you give someone wanting to follow a similar career path?

Be open to taking on further responsibilities within a task delegated to you - exploring it further will open you up to more conversations that will give you better knowledge and experience; that can benefit you in the long run.

  • How do you feel careers in your field have evolved / where are they heading to?

Due to the effects of Covid-19, we have had to adapt to remote settings of work which has not be easy but have been evolving.

  • Work- Life Balance

I try and have working hours that I have set myself to allow for me to have down time from work. I schedule events in advance to ensure that I stick to all my deadlines so there are no interferences with my out of work hours.

  • When considering your career path, how much has your potential salary affected your decision?

As I made a shift from Project Management (PM) into Quality Assurance (QA) Auditing, I had to bare in mind that I was starting a role with limited experience and a major room to grow and develop. I had to accept the margin of salary with the intent of growth and promotion within my role and salary.

  • Outside science how would you describe yourself

A Gamer - I love playing games, PS games, card games, games

Motivator - I love cheering my friends and family to succeed and grow

Host - I love cooking and hosting my friends


To keep up with Rosemary follow her on socials

Instagram: _iamroseefavour

Twitter: RoseeVFavour


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