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Career Profile - Agricultural science and Podcast Host

Name: Anne Chisa

Course/ job :Msc Agricultural Science graduate/ Founder & Host The Root of The Science Podcast

A levels/ equivalent

In South Africa we do not do A-Levels we instead have a “Matric”. This term commonly used to refer to the final year of high school and the qualification received on graduating from high school. Officially, the qualification obtained at the end of secondary schooling is the National Senior Certificate.

Journey in 3 words :Brave, Self-starter, Resilient

Briefly describe your role :I am the producer, director and host of the podcast. I search people to interview, do research, conduct the interview, marketing stratergies and the post-production.

What motivated you to pursue a career in science: I really do not have that pinnical moment. It just that I enjoyed biology and geography in school. I was influenced by a family friend who was an Agricultural Engineer. I applied and I got in.

Work- Life Balance:Currently as a host of the podcast and the founder I have to be the one to curate content, do the interviews, post production. It a lot! It was hard striking the balance but I have now made sure that I try my best to not work weekends, so that I can get time with my family and other things to relax.

What advice would you give someone wanting to study the same degree? :Its okay if you have not figured out your net move. Every one will always ask you “what’s next?” and sometimes you can’t plan to the detail. If there is anything that the pandemic has taught us that we cannot be fully in control. Trust the process and in some cases opportunities find you as long as you are doing the work.

What is most important when choosing a masters ?

The supervisor!

This is so important. Do not let the institution be the reason, find a supervisor. This is crucial advice I would give anyone in any postgrad journey. You have to have someone who believes in you and pushes you. I think the reason most postgrads go through so much is due to this. This stress can be avoided if you have the right supervisor support. I am thankful I learned this in my masters year.

What were your perceptions of being a scientist before you started your course: When I thought “scientists” I had this stereotype of glasses and white lab coats.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? :

As ambitious as this sounds but I would love to have the podcast grow into a premiere platform for Africans in STEM to share the story. So, basically, if you are an African and you are in STEM and you want your research heard you think The Root of the Science this will either still be the podcast or we grow into TV on an international platform. Furthermore, I hope to have gotten my PhD by then, be a speaker and a mentor for others to realize that following the non-academic/non-industry route can also be fulfilling.

Outside science how would you describe yourself :I’m easy going and genuinely enjoy my Netflix shows, cooking, spending time with people I love and exercise.

You run a podcast- what were your motivations behind starting them and how can readers follow :

I have always believed that I am a good with people in general and when I was doing my masters I found it hard to accept that one can do so much work and it will only get seen or read by people in academia. I also realised that growing up, I did not have visible role models of people who looked, sounded, and came from Africa as role models to get into science. I wanted to change that. The purpose for The Root of The Science Podcast then is to give Africans in the STEM the opportunity to share their stories about their research/projects in their own voices. In the same light inspire others to get the into STEM field as well as create information on the vast career opportunities in STEM. You can listen to my podcast on the link provided or follow me on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and everywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

How can readers keep up with you on social media:

Twitter: annelinda_c

LinkedIn: Anne Chisa



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