Biomedical Science to Phd Cardiovascular scienceI TCIM Careers
Name: Jason Amartey
Course/ job :PhD Researcher (cardiovascular science)
A levels/ equivalent :Biology, Chemistry and Physical Education
Undergrad and post grad degrees
Bsc Biomedical Sciences,
Mres Biomedical Science
Favourite science fact
There is more variation between black people than there is between a black person and a Caucasian
Journey in 3 Words : Shoot your shot
(I say this because there are many opportunities, I didn’t think I would get but I still went for it and ended up being successful so shoot your shoot always)
Briefly describe your role or course
My research is based on the revascularisation of ischaemic diseases, particularly focused on the role of splicing factors and kinases and their effect on ischaemic diseases such as peripheral vascular disease.
What motivated you to pursue a career in science
I wanted to live a life where I was involved in improving people’s lives. A career in Science (specifically in medicine and health gives me opportunity to be a part of improving lives)
What advice would you give someone wanting to follow the same path?
Be flexible and open to opportunities. Life is full of up of surprises so enjoy the process. Its important to have confidence in your abilities. Be open to learn new things and new ways of doing things and most importantly be prepared to work hard!!!
How did you know a PhD was for you?
After an internship at the University of Uskudar in Istanbul Turkey, I did a master in research course which I thoroughly enjoyed, these two experiences helped make my mind up about a career in research and a PhD definitely had to be on the cards.
How has the internship benefited your career progression and how did you even find or get it
After my undergrad, I did an internship at Uskudar University in Istanbul, Turkey as part of the Erasmus program. This was such an amazing opportunity as it helped formulate an idea of the kind of career path I wanted to embark on. During my time there, I worked in a research group, Istanbul Protein Research& Innovation Centre that had interests in various topics, microbiology, genetics etc. I found this environment highly stimulating and knew I wasted to be in a role where everyone was working on different things albeit linked and discussing ideas. I had undergone an internship the year before in Malta and although I had enjoyed the experience, I knew that wasn't the career path for me. In turkey I felt a sting sense of this is what I want to be doing as a career and this led me to undertaking a masters in research followed by a job in research and now doing a Phd. I recommend doing some sort of placement/internship to anyone as it gives you experience which looks favourable on your CV as well as helping you to figure out what you want to as a career. Both these experiences gave me that clarity for sure.
How did your research job help you get your phd ? What was your typical month like in that role and Do you feel your masters better prepared you for your Phd?
My job helped me get more research experience which has been useful for my phd journey thus far. I learnt many techniques and skills which I have been able to transfer on to this phd program. A typical month would involve various experiments on either short term or longer term projects, meetings to plan experiments and projects or to share data. My masters prepared me for my phd as it put me in a research environment, learnt research skills such as experimental design. I definitely think I felt more prepared than I would have been after my undergrad degree.
What is your biggest pet peeve about how the world perceives science?
I think a lot of people think a career in science is only for a certain type of people. People from all sorts of backgrounds are needed in science to bring about different ideas and to challenge the status quo.
Outside science how would you describe yourself
A bit of a joker, I love being sporty and keeping fit and active. I love reading and watching documentaries about the most random stuff which is very handy in quizzes.
You are the Co-founder of Canvas of life – what inspired it how do you balance that with your PhD and where do you see the platform going?
Canvas of life came from my friend and I having discussions on how we can have a positive impact of the world, inspire people to want to the very best versions of themselves. We wanted to present these in a variety of mediums to suit how different people consume content, podcasts, videos, and blogs. It can be a challenge balancing making content, marketing etc whilst pursuing a PhD, being organised definitely helps a lot, setting specific times to work on our brand makes it easier to balance both.
When considering your career path, how much has your potential salary affected your decision?
Not as much, money doesn’t fulfil you. I wanted to be in a career that stimulated me and I was able to be excited about going to work.
Connect with Jason
Twitter @Supermalt_papi
Insta @jase.otu
Canvas of life : All media platforms